Be Inspired

Hi! I'm


I am a writer, non-fiction ghostwriter, writing coach and a speaker.

We all have life-changing stories and experiences. Stories brought to life with the power of words, and turned into memoirs or biographies, are inspirational.  

Your professional knowledge turned into how-to business books  enhances your credibility as it’s a written proof of your expert-status. 

Let’s be clear. I’ll help you share your specialised knowledge in a simple and easy to understand manner. Explaining complicated things in a simple way makes you look more professional, trustworthy.

The combination of both: business biography. 10, 25, 50 years in business is a big thing. Why not celebrating it with a business story on paper – through stories of founders, employees, stakeholders, business partners, etc. I’ll help you do it in a way that the result is not the history-lesson, but a book people enjoy reading and learning from.

And then there are speeches. No matter what the occasion is, they should be engaging, meaningful, well-structured, and this is exactly how I write them. Ideas and stories written in your voice.

Your words. Your story. My passion for writing. 

Words create actions. Actions create results.

Let’s get your words out there. 

#powerofwords #wordscreateresults


I first became an author in 2006, and after that, my articles, stories, poems, and nature writing have been published in numerous anthologies, zines (online and on paper), collections, web-exhibitions, and podcasts, including BBC Radio Scotland. 

My latest solo book is The Alphabet of Life (independently
published in December 2022), and it’s a photo-prose. Perfect present. Prose-poems are invitations to think, and colourful nature photography will take you to beautiful places in Scotland. They encourage you to create a list of your own meaningful words, and 2-minute writing prompts help unload your mind, or unleash your creativity. Available on Amazon.


Bilingual #õnnelikteekond #becominghappy (published in May 2020) has two editions. The hard cover limited edition has only 700 copies, they were printed and published in Estonia. E-book and an exclusive hard cover copy are only available on my website.  The paperback is available on Amazon. 

The book has colourful nature photography from multiple countries I’ve visited, and inspirational prose-poems written in two languages, Estonian and English.



I love working with people, who need writing because of their work, business or studies, or just for personal reasons, but their goal is not necessarily to become an author. Let’s become friends with writing and your creativity first.

There are different ways to work with me, from online workshops to in-person 1-2-1 coaching sessions. All of them aimed to increase your confidence about your creativity and writing skills through practical experience.



Mulle meeldib töötada inimestega, kes vajavad kirjutamist töö, ome ettevõtte või õpingute tõttu või lihtsalt isiklikel põhjustel, kuid nende eesmärk ei ole tingimata saada autoriks. Saagem kõigepealt sõbraks kirjutamise ja loovusega.

Minuga koos töötamiseks on erinevaid võimalusi: veebiseminaridest üks-ühele juhendamiseni välja. Olulisel kohal on enesekindluse kasvatamine praktilise kogemuse kaudu.



Let me take you to a journey. In your life or in your mind. From facilitating to keynote speeches – I know how to capture audience’s attention with words. My presentations are relatable and easy to follow.
