
Have you ever thought about being an author but you don’t like to write?

Are you brimming with ideas you can express verbally, but don’t know how to put them on paper? 

Not every speaker has written their speech by themselves. Not every author featured on a book’s cover wrote that book. They might have hired a ghostwriter to do that. A ghostwriter is the “ghost” behind the work that you as an author have “written”.  This service has existed for centuries. 

The reason I became a ghostwriter for memoirs and how-to business books is that I love stories and I love learning. My ghostwriting services can be divided into three main categories: 

Speeches. No matter what the occasion is, they should be engaging, meaningful, well-structured, and this is exactly how I write them. Ideas and stories written in your voice. I started writing them for others in my early 20s, and all my customers came from word-of-mouth advertisement. They were mostly politicians, but also businessmen, and some head teachers. My greatest achievement was to write a speech that was presented at the biggest North-American public speaking competition, Speaker Slam. My long-term customer, and friend, Corporate Maestro Anu Tähemaa was the first European to make it to the finals of this competition, and I was given the honour to draft her speech

Memoirs and business books. Maybe you are a (mindset) coach, maybe a successful CEO? I’m sure you have valuable stories you always share with your customers, or you use in your daily work. Your audience is carving for your stories, your life-and business-lessons. 

By having a ghostwriter to work with you, you can have your book as proof of your expert-status in your field. It’s also a great marketing tool to raise awareness of your business and about people in this business. 

As a result of your improved credibility, you can increase your income by either charging more, or creating another stream of income by doing talks that match with the theme of the book. In the era of AI-written content, what makes your book to stand out, is your voice in your writing. As a ghostwriter, I can write that book in a way that people can “hear” you speaking to them as they turn the pages. A true human-to-human connection. 

Business biography. Every business-story is unique and 10, 25, or 50 years in business is a huge milestone worth celebrating. The legacy you’ve been looking for can be passed on through stories of founders, employees, stakeholders, business partners, etc. I’ll help you do it in a way that the result is not a history-lesson, but a book people enjoy reading and learning from.

Why me?

I’m more than just a ghostwriter. I’ll be your story architect. 

I’ll help you to construct your story, include your voice, your growth, your stories. I’ll walk you through the whole process of having “just an idea” to having a book in your hands. I have other professionals to help with editing, book cover design, and everything you need to know. You will have your book, your dream, your legacy. 

For the entire world, you wrote this book. The royalties will be all yours.

Still not sure?

Let’s discuss it, book your 60-minute consultation by clicking on the image below. If you decide to work with me, the charge (£200) will be taken off your pre-payment, and in case you have already something written, the Evaluation (prices starting from £300) will be for free for you. 

My credentials:

Most of the books or speeches I have ghostwritten, have been done with the NDA, but there are some projects I can share as an example of my work.

I’m a senior ghostwriter for the Story Terrace, but I’m also available to work with as a freelancer.

Against Medical Advice by Simone L Gisondi, mostly collaborative writing, also helped her with the structure, storyline and provided feedback on content.  She appreciated my help so much, she asked me to write a foreword for this book.

Setomaa Kuld (2023). Värska is a natural mineral water well-known in Estonia, and the main producer of it celebrated their 50 years in business with a book. I interviewed 15 people for this book to get their history in stories. 

Birgit Itse, ghostwriting, how-to books, memoirs

Ready to get your story written?