In Opinions

We all get feedback to our work – in one way or another. I’m grateful for all those kind words. They do mean a lot to me. Thank you for spreading the good word.

Birgit Itse, kirjanik, koolitaja, kõneleja, lugude arhitekt

It has been such a blessing to work with so many individuals and businesses worldwide. Thank you, GoMommy websites, Simone L Gisondi, Kindspace, Still Tours Scotland, MISS Charity, Your Love Rara CIC, Story Terrace, Chocolatia, JF Solutions, Lapidus International, and many others for believing in me. I’ve had the privilege to perform at Wick Indie Book festival, but also at New Pitsligo International Spoken Word Festival.

My books have travelled worldwide, and I love reading your feedback and journeys with them. Please, keep sending them. It matters.

I have always been impressed by Birgit’s drive and energy, intelligence, and the breadth and depth of her talents. She also possesses great interpersonal skills and has a natural ability to connect with people which makes collaboration effortless.

To cap it all she’s an inspiring writer and speaker who will add a professional touch to any task or project.
Simpson Buglass
Experienced Real Estate Advisor. Estonian Honorary Consul
Birgit is absolutely made for the work she does. Her way with words is incredible and I often have conversations with her when I need to say something but I don't know how! Besides her authorship, she always inspires me with her copywriting. Her work is fast, detailed and she just *sees* things (words) that are best for a specific piece of content. I highly recommend her - you will save time, and obtain amazing results!
Dr Monika Gostić, PhD
Nutrition Consultant, Scientist, Entrepreneur |
Birgit is Amazing. Her ability to just be in a room and pull the energy then put into words the atmosphere around her is simply astonishing. Watching her create on paper what I see but not being able to convert has truly been a gift. She was able to help me get out of what has been inside to share with the world that cannot experience our exclusive use property first hand and share with them an experience that only Birgit was able to help us paint with words. I cannot recommend her enough!
Kym Luce
Owner of On the Luce Innovations
Birgit knows her words and is not afraid to use them. And she uses them with great care and skill. With her positive attitude and mindset, she gets the best out of her client’s ideas and turns them into cohesive and clear text while keeping the integrity of their original essence.

Birgit has taught me to trust my instincts and go with them and I will always be grateful to her for this.
Ranno Kasemaa
Self-shooting director and producer
If you are full of ideas for a great content, but you are struggling with your writings, – Birgit is the person you have to Google, connect and work with.

Firstly, if 1-2-1 mentoring sounds too big of a step, follow her workshops online, or in person. I have seen her constantly improving her topic, but also presentation skills. Her workshops are tailor-made, engaging, and content easy to put in use, after all that practise on the spot. Her slides are well-prepared, and the whole content so rich, giving you the experience, that will help you move forward, express yourself, create the needed strategy, or just get unstuck.

Secondly, if you have an event coming up, hire her as a speaker. She is special, an inspiration. She knows how to use words, present her poems with beautiful photos. Her artistic skills are combined with a good public speaking skills. You will notice a long experience working in radio. She is fun to listen.

I have been following her since she was a journalist, and about a decade ago, came to my creativity classes to write the article about it. The way she was able to listen, and see behind the curtains, and finally – how she wrote about the topic she heard for the first time in her life was shortly said impressive. She has a rare skill, to achieve the best result with a very short amount of time. Her ability to focus, ask useful questions, helps you develop the best answers. This all supports you to get a clear picture about what you'd like– whether it's your article, book, or an interview ahead.
Anu Tähemaa
Corporate Maestro - Public Speaking expert
I wholeheartedly recommend the exceptional talents of Birgit Itse, an extraordinary teacher, author and ghostwriter whose work has left an indelible mark on me and undoubtedly countless others. As an avid reader, passionate advocate of the written word and author myself, I have had the pleasure of immersing myself in Birgit's literary creations, and I can confidently say that her talent is unparalleled.

In an age where originality and captivating storytelling have become increasingly rare commodities, Birgit stands out as a beacon of creativity and mastery of the written craft. From the moment I opened one of her books, I was transported into a world of imagination and emotion, where every word painted vivid images in my mind and every sentence pulled me into a world created by Birgit.

One of the most remarkable aspects of her writing is her ability to effortlessly breathe life into characters, making them feel like real people with complex thoughts, emotions, and aspirations – I know this firsthand from projects we worked on together. The depth and authenticity of the characters she creates are truly astounding, drawing readers into their lives, struggles, and triumphs. Readers won’t be able to resist getting deeply invested in the characters’ journeys, experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions, laughing, crying, and celebrating alongside them.

Moreover, Birgit's prose is a work of art in itself. Her command over the English language, especially since it’s not her first, is nothing short of extraordinary. Each sentence is meticulously crafted, weaving together a tapestry of words that evokes powerful imagery and stirs the imagination. Her ability to capture the essence of a moment, a feeling, or a place is a testament to her unparalleled talent.

As a ghostwriter, Birgit possesses a rare gift for seamlessly adapting her writing style to match the voices of different individuals. Whether it is a memoir, a self-help book, or a how-to, her versatility shines through, creating a seamless reading experience that leaves no trace of her ghostly presence. Her commitment to her clients' vision, combined with her exceptional writing skills, ensures that each project is a resounding success.

Beyond her remarkable talent as a writer, Birgit is an absolute pleasure to work with. Her approach each project with the utmost professionalism, meeting deadlines consistently and communicating effectively with clients and collaborators. Her dedication to her craft and her unwavering commitment to excellence makes her an invaluable asset to anyone fortunate enough to collaborate with her.

I wholeheartedly recommend Birgit as a gifted author and ghostwriter of the highest caliber. Her ability to transport readers to new worlds, create unforgettable characters, and weave captivating narratives is a testament to her exceptional talent. I have no doubt that her work will continue to captivate and inspire readers.

I highly recommend Birgit.
Simone Gisondi
Published Author - Creative Storyteller
I loved looking through it. Such lovely words and photographs! Estonia looks like a beautiful country, I have added it to my travel wish list. ​
Iska Birnie​
Award-winning Photographer
This is a perfect present for everyone who needs a little bit of inspiration and encouragement! Easy but meaningful reading aligned with gorgeous, colourful photos. It was like being on a trip! ​
Lucy Milton​
Financial Advisor ​
Wow! I love this book! It has so much energy, depth and truth! Also it’s so luxurious! ​
Noemi Ildiko Takacsne Pop​
Work from home business Mum ​
I very much like the Happiness book. The photography is lovely.I think you manage to stay the right side of being trite or cute. The dual text is clever too, there's something of the exotic there. The Estonian text looks as if it might be a series of spells!​
Jamie Jauncey​
A Writer