In Pictures

I like taking photos of things and moments I’ve found inspiring or would like to return to. Becoming a model at the age of 41, changed the way I saw myself. And the story I told. To myself about myself.

There were many years, where I didn’t like my photos taken. Now, it has become one of my ways to switch off my mind from writing. Be present. In that emotion. Hold the thoughts.

Most of the images of me on this website are by talented, award-winning Iska Birnie Photography and Anthony Childres from Soul Photography.

Being a model is just one of those things that happened, but I’ve enjoyed the experience, and learned a lot about myself. And it has also been a great opportunity to give my mind a break from writing-related thoughts. 

The images of nature are mine. I love capturing details, moments, contrasts, and colours. I don’t use any filters and I’m too lazy to edit them afterwards. So, everything is as it was.

You can purchase my photos on PicFair.