My Story

In words

There's a unique way of saying universal things. I do that. I'm Birgit Itse, an Estonian living in Scotland, and writing has made me the person I am today.


Writing is something that makes me feel alive. Always has. No matter the genre, language or topic, it clears my head and keeps me going. I’ve done different jobs in my life (journalist, marketing specialist, museum worker, teacher, manager, etc.), and always looked for and created opportunities to write – poetry, non-fiction, fiction, reflections, lyrics, newsletters, radio and print news, press releases, articles for magazines and newspapers, public event scripts, greetings, speeches, toasts, blogs, and captions for photography and paintings.

It was November 2006 when, for the first time in my life, I found the courage to present my creativity. A Christmas present to myself and for the important people in my life: a small poetry booklet „Lihtsad sõnad“ („Simple words“). Only 100 copies were printed, but about 25-30 of them were destroyed in a house-fire in March 2007. As far as I know, only one library in the world has it – the rest are in private ownership.

Therefore, I consider 2020 as the year when I officially became an author. On the 28th of May, after eight weeks of efforts in Scotland and Estonia, it was out: a bilingual inspirational book #õnnelikteekond #becominghappy.

In December 2022, I self-published The Alphabet of Life, a book as deep and versatile as I’ve been often described. And beautiful.

As a ghostwriter or a collaborative author, I’ve written many more books, and you can find them in the My Books section.



I first visited Scotland in 2011 on a study tour I had organized to look at how literature is marketed in tourism. It was the first time I began to think about living and working abroad.

Well, nothing happened. Until 2017, on a road trip with my son. A week in Scotland that changed us both. We fell in love with locals. We really did. On landing in Tallinn, still in our seats, we looked at each other and he said what was in my mind, too: “Let’s go back to live there!”

Some things happened. I started to look for a job. I studied the Scottish school system. I discussed it with my friends – even with my family. But I didn’t make the final decision until 2019, when a friend asked: “Birgit, how long are you going to wait to live your life and your dreams?”

Within 8 weeks, I sold my home of more than 20 years, and on 30th December, we arrived in Aberdeen.

Just us two, with two suitcases and two bags, in a city to which we had never been before. We really didn’t know anybody here.

While I made it happen, I met some amazing people and learned how all the intuitive decisions I made were absolutely going in the right direction. Along my professional journey, I have seen in other people and experienced myself how attitude is 95% of success, and how will, dedication and persistence create far better results than years of expertise in playing it safe.


Words create actions. They can make or break you and your business. Words are close friends of mine. They have a rest and a nest in my mind.

I launched my writing business on the 22nd of April 2020. 

Having a business was never my dream. My dream is to write. But to pursue my dream, I had to learn how to treat my writing as a business. I’m glad I did. 

My first customers were small businesses like me. I had grateful tears in my eyes when I got the first customer feedback. „I really can! “ I thought.

6 months later, I understood that I have an international business. Not just UK and Estonia, but I was working with people from all over the world. 

Be inspired!